As Published at: Ashland Daily Tidings
Long ago I decided it would be wise to become more awake as I grow older instead of feeling like I was slowly falling asleep until I died. When I hit 60, I promised myself to have more fun every year than the previous year.
Turning 65 in 2014, my theme was proclaimed on the title of my book endorsed by Doris Day and Danny Lockwood, music video producer for Katy Perry and Jennifer Lopez. “The Grandma Boom Chronicles…More Alive at 65!” was an intense self-help memoir writing experience that painted a new horizon for my aging process. It gave me perspective and brought that childhood chant from peers echoing in my brain…”I dare you!” to come up with the most awesome aging experience possible. Consequently, turning 66 in 2015 required a new motto: “More fun kicks at 66!”
I’ve taken on the dare. New fun kicks: Started TRX class for core strengthening. Mid-July I declared a conspiracy with my niece in Kansas for my sister’s 60th birthday. I flew in for a surprise birthday gift dressed as a 50′s carhop waitress. In cahoots with the restaurant personnel, I hid until friends brought Karen to dinner. When she was seated, I came out to take her order. It was worth every ounce of effort to see her speechless with her mouth ajar for a long time. I am loving my ’66′ theme to keep honed in on being more awake!
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