Springs at Veranda Park Retirement Center Celebrates Awesome Aging Activities

Springs at Veranda Park Retirement Center Celebrates Awesome Aging ActivitiesResearch shows creative play is best for improving brain function as well as creating joy and endorphines for ALL ages.

It was a feeling of celebration to be an Awesome Aging Fairy, taking drums and percussion instruments for the residents at Veranda Park to play with. We created some awesome rhythms and dancing spontaneously arose after an author chat about my self-help memoir, The Grandma Boom Chronicles…More Alive at 65!

Creating endorphines, joyful communing and having fun playing together bring a spark to the eyes with a feeling of being enlivened. What a great gathering it was.

Thank you, residents at Veranda Park for welcoming me and being such a wonderful group. Living to inspire! ‪#‎earthisheaven‬@67

As published in Ashland Daily Tidings