Worm’s U-Turn Was Exactly the Message I Needed

Worm UturnSometimes it seems easier to just keep doing something in the same way yet it is not filling up that inner space with a feeling of completion or rightness. I was having that kind of sensation related to an issue with my work. Nature is frequently my friend with messages that show me a direction or an insight. So I went for a walk outdoors.

Worm’s U-Turn is exactly what I needed to see. It’s funny how nature reflects messages according to what is going on inside us with our lives. On my walk I saw a worm going across a sidewalk, headed to a lush grassy area. Didn’t think anything of it. Walked around little wormie and proceeded on my walk. However, on the return walk I observed the worm doing a U-Turn.

I stopped and pondered. It struck a chord. The grass looked pretty green where worm was heading….but maybe wormie decided it was too thick of a jungle to get through and would impede his journey……or that it was not the best direction for what was needed at that time.

I just happened to be reflecting about an issue in my life that needed some inspiration. Something was not the right direction for me. Time to copy the Worm’s U-Turn and not keep heading in the same direction.

Thanks nature! Things are not always greener on the other side! U-Turn it is!

As Published At: Ashland Daily Tidings