Babies Can Communicate with Tongue Talk…..Super Cross-Generational Way to Connect
Met my sweetie pie great-nephew, Landon, for the first time last week in Kansas. At two and a half months, he was prime to communicate with tongue talk, much to the delight of his parents, Aliah and Don.
Over the decades I have done this many times. Little ones can control the largest muscle in the head – the tongue – before other muscles. I make sounds and stick my tongue out close to the baby’s face over and over. Landon not only responded but started doing a LOT of tongue talk with everyone. I soooo enjoyed communicating with him on a level that he could be empowered with his own way and understanding.
We played tongue communication over and over. Great way to bond with my sister’s grandson. What a fun way to experience connecting in cross-generational exchange. For a demonstration on how to do baby tongue talk, go to my website, and click on Story Time, then click on Baby Tongue Talk. And it’s done with purple hair! 🙂 #earthisheaven@67