Communication with Toddlers is Win-Win-Win

“Boo” is a communication that has special meaning to me. Communication happens at all ages. We do it in different ways, with different gestures, words, sounds, whole body language. Listening to the cues and clues with those who don’t speak exactly the way we do is such a gift in a relationship. Claire calls me “Boo” since she can’t quite get the “Grandma Boom” out. My daughter informed me that Claire has been saying to her, “Boo” and shaking her head in ‘yes’ gesture. Claire, in HER way, is asking for her “Boo” and wants to see me. That means she is thinking about me. OHHHHHHH heartmelt supreme!

Letting little ones know you know what is being said gives them confidence to communicate even more. Their thoughts and feelings are just as important as ours even though they may seem very simple.

Communicating on their level strengthens communication bonding, the relationship, and builds confidence for little ones. It’s win-win-win.