Drenched! Taking advantage of summer fun, I took my grandies to the water park, forgetting to take a squirter for myself. Armed with squirters and buckets, they chased me until I was completely soaked! They were happy as larks, loving the power of water on their Grandma Boom.
Memories of times like this will not fade away. Being outrageous and fun etches something special into all of our hearts. My grandson said one of the things he likes most about me is that I really play with he and his sister.
Cross-generational fun is a smashing hit for both ends of the age spectrum. Awesome aging, for me, includes stepping out of my normal daily ways of living and scooting into the inner child space with my grandies. Very satisfying even though it took a while to dry out on this excursion! #earthisheaven@67
As published at: Ashland Daily Tidings