An 8 yr. old boy’s life changed during my Pitch about Superkid Power at Sunday’s Hatch Soup V event in Portland. A mom and her son approached me saying her son is very emotionally sensitive. When I used the breathing sphere and demonstrated a tied up knot in the tummy and how to loosen it, the boy had a huge “AHA” moment, realizing that is where he feels tension when he is emotional.
The boy was never aware of a connection in his body to his emotion prior to hearing me talk about it and using the tummy as an example of where tension can be felt. He was so cute pointing to his belly and showing me exactly where he feels the tight knots. The mom and the boy were so excited to begin building emotional intelligence with the connection in the body for easier navigation in their lives.
I was thrilled to have helped from simply doing a five minute pitch. I did not win the competition. The audience voted and all other competitors were from Portland with many family members and friends there to support them. My long time friend, Michelle, accompanied me from Springfield. One of the competitors told the crowd to keep the vote/money in Portland. I was the only person from outside the area, being from Ashland. A project won that teaches girls how to use tools.
Thanks to Michelle Nowak for supporting, co-piloting and taking pics!
As Published at: Ashland Daily Tidings