Thanks for sharing. You have a gifted child. This is wonderful and challenging. And it is normal for children to develop with some things before others, so either the social aspect or some other part of his being may not always match the IQ and subjects he is accelerated in. That’s OK. Finding ways to work with the emotional intelligence is essential so that he can stay grounded, balanced, centered, develop healthy relationships with himself and others and be able to function in a way that he feels PURPOSE while also acknowledging others’ purposes. Keeping him connected and having skills in good communication, working with his feelings, etc. are most important so that he does not develop in a lopsided way, so-to-speak with the accelerated achievements in cognitive skills. My dad was a genius but he could not communicate with children and had great suffering not being able to work with his emotions, had physical pain because of that and difficulties in relationships. Keep a balance. He will give signs in what he’s needing and ready for. You will recognize the signs and that’s your challenge – to provide those things that will help him be a well rounded human being that offers to the world his gifts and joy. Parts of him are a little boy and not as advanced as the skills you mention. Let him be that little boy in ways that serve him in stages of growth necessary for healthy inner homeostasis. And, by all means, notify school personnel about his advanced cognitive abilities so they can be prepared to assist him as a whole human being.