An A for Understanding

AnAForUnderstanding-225x300Grayson gets an A for understanding what a lie does to one’s own body! Human beings experiment with lying. Imagine FEELING this object. It is my 3D version of what a lie looks and feels like. Aluminum foil wadded up with half toothpicks stuck into it. This appears in my classes. And it appears with children I have contact with. Grandies are no exception. When Grayson told me he did not take extra chocolate chips to eat when we were decorating gingerbread boys we’d baked, I knew it wasn’t the truth due to the chocolate smudges on his face. I asked him to please tell me the truth, that I just wanted to know and would not be mad. First denial, then a look downward that led to a confession…”I was Pete sneaking chocolate chips when you weren’t looking.” Surprised, I asked,”Who is Pete?” Grayson explained, “He’s on Mickey Mouse and sneaks. I wanted to be him to get more chocolate chips.” His eyes were so clear and irresistible when he shared this. “I am SOO proud of you making the good choice to tell the truth, Grayson.” Crouching down to his height (thank you, knees, for being flexible), I touched his sweet face, asking him to look in my eyes, as I continued speaking. “It helps you feel better inside and helps our relationship.” We hugged. Then I found the resources, made a lie ball, had him hold it, explaining that is what he puts inside himself when he lies. He studied it, made an uncomfortable face, then shared he didn’t like how it felt. I asked where he felt it in his body. He pointed to his throat. And then he began sharing other things he has lied about in the past. OMG….he just wanted those uncomfies OUT of his body!!! He really GOT the lesson because he could 3D see and feel it and KNOW FOR HIMSELF by KNOWING HIMSELF. Accelerated learning! And not just a rule society made up for him to ‘follow.’