Ageless, Timeless Play Bridges Generations

AgelessTimelessPlayMy two year old granddaughter insisted monsters were chasing us. So we had to go down the slippery slide REALLY fast that wound round and round. After doing this 28 times, Grandma Boom thought it might be time to let the monsters catch us! haha At that point three other preschoolers decided to join the monster team, chasing me. It was essential to scream or they would not have believed their screams were powerful enough monster screams to truly scare me. Once again, ageless, timeless play transported me into a world with young ones that is as real as the chair I am sitting on. Play. Expanding, mind-stretching, fun-giving, imaginative play is what bridged our vast age differences into a place where age had no meaning. I am grateful to be open to this. And they were very happy that Grandma Boom could run from them as fast as she did, screaming just as loud as their screams.