Magical Fun Essential Ingredient In Awesome Aging

Magical Fun Essential Ingredient In Awesome AgingMagical transparent drumsticks that light up brilliant blue when they drum brought priceless fun for cross-generational interaction. I remember magical moments as a child and so enjoy keeping that essence in my aging process.

Sharing magical moments with others always amplifies the experience. My 4 yr. old granddaughter was thrilled to take turns making music drumming while the other one danced. It was her idea that we dance. 63 years difference in age… difference in the magic of the moment for either age. Cross-generational magical fun is a memory keeper.

Grateful to Renaissance Rose for those magical drumsticks and (owner) Ann Wilton”s demonstration that lit up my imagination! ‪#‎earthisheaven‬@67 and #keepingagingawesome

As published at: Ashland Daily Tidings