Maybe Because Elf Work is Magic is the Reason it Happened……

Maybe Because Elf Work is Magic is the Reason it Happened……

December 21, 2016 Awesome Aging 0 Comments

Magic hit again tonight. The green orb on my head….kept showing up in pictures and we could NOT find a rational reason for it. Yes, I believe in magic!

Meanwhile Elder Elves, Lisa Manyon, Roni and I dedicated a whole evening to putting packages together for 40 homeless who will receive two packages hand delivered by the Xmas Fairy later this week – one with scarf, hat, thermal sox, hygiene products, homemade applesauce muffins and butterscotch haystacks (yes I baked for them!), Emergen-C packets and cough lozenges. Second package – cereals, fruit, juice, almonds, 3 kinds of crackers, pretzels, brownies, shortbread, canned meat, fruit leather, chips, other snacks,

I am soooo excited to take these gifts to the shelter Thursday evening. So happy to be able to help. So grateful to have passion to want to do this.Love fueling my awesome aging attitude with a project so Heart filling. It is very consuming and tiring but so worth it . #earthisheaven@67 even when the aftermath in my small living space looks like the remnants of a somewhat organized hurricane! haha

As published at Ashland Daily Tidings

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