One Step at a Time to Reduce and Prevent Bullying, Violence and Child Stress

One Step at a Time to Reduce and Prevent Bullying, Violence and Child Stress

September 27, 2013 Bullying 0 Comments

“What was happening inside your body, Grayson, when you made a bad choice with your sister?” “My heart was going really really fast. It always goes really really fast when I am angry.” “OK. Let’s slow it down with belly button breathing.” We proceeded to take two slow deep breaths. Grayson felt his heart and noticed it slowed down. He said he felt better. We talked about our choices….that when we make bad choices we make ourselves feel bad, not just the other person. Good choices help us feel good inside ourselves and others feel good. It was a really wonderful evening conversation that left both of our hearts warm and concluded in a Grandma Boom/Grandson Grayson hug. Child stress can be reduced, one step at a time. Bullying can be reduced, even prevented, one step at a time. Violence can be prevented, one step at a time. The key? It takes TIME to prevent. Quality time….and prevention skills.

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